Warning: Turning on Client tweaks can lead to planets not loading properly for clients! Checking this box will allow you to customize the client join options below.
This will add any grids a player can respawn at to the world sent to the player, which means the player will not have to wait in the respawn screen until the grid streams in after joining the server. Enabling this will slightly increase the load of a player join and is not recommended if you use the new respawn system.
The "Pack Respawn" option is configurable by block count in the box below it, setting a maximum of blocks that can get packed into the world send.
This changes the text displayed in the loading screen
This will allow you to replace the default toolbar of new players with the one you can choose yourself using the "!admin set toolbar" command while in-game.
This dropdown menu allows you to compress the data you send to players on join, increasing CPU usage while players join but greatly reducing network load, and letting the client join a bit faster.. It's strongly recommended to use the async join option if you set the compression level high.
NoCompression sends the data at its full size. This takes almost no time to run compression, but significantly increases network load.
Fastest is the default vanilla level. It tries to strike a good balance between final data size and CPU use.
Optimal gives you the highest possible compression ratio (smallest data size) at the cost of high CPU use. This is the default value for Essentials. It's recommended to leave this on Optimal level, and enable async join.
Checking this option will move most of the client join logic and data compression to a background thread. This reduces lag on the server. It's highly recommended to use this option if you have the compression level set high, or use the pack respawn or pack planets options.
This packs planets into the world loading. Since planet data is very large, this is only recommended with optimal compression level.
Having async join enabled is also recommended when using this option.
Packing Planets will greatly decrease of loading time for large planet files when used this way and makes joining a server a lot smoother for the players
Runs a pre-programmed command after a given interval of server uptime or scheduled time.
Basic triggers for auto commands.
Allows for commands to be run on a fixed schedule. Must use "Scheduled" as trigger.
Operators for auto commands
Pulls up a list of current steps in the collection. Steps can be edited by clicking on them, removed or new steps added. Note, steps must be written in order of operation and can not be reordered.
If you have a hosted server without access to the GUI, you can add Auto Commands to your Essentials.Cfg. However, as with all Torch configurations, you should only edit the configuration files as a last resort.
The following code with need to be placed within the <AutoCommands> section of the Essentials.cfg.
Below is an example of a restart that takes every 4 hours, with notifications every 5 minutes starting 15 minutes prior and clean up commands.
<Command>!notify "********Restart in 15 Minutes!********" 30000</Command>
<Command>!notify "********Restart in 10 Minutes!********" 30000</Command>
<Command>!notify "********Restart in 5 Minutes!********" 30000</Command>
<Command>!notify "********Restart in 1 Minute!********" 30000</Command>
<Command>!restart 30</Command>
Command | Description | Usage |
entities refresh | Resyncs all entities for the player running the command | !entities refresh |
motd | Show the server's Message of the Day | !motd |
vote | Starts a vote for a command | !vote <String name> |
vote cancel | Cancels current vote in progress | !vote cancel |
grids list | Lists all grids you own at least 50% of Will give you positions if the server admin enables the option | !grids list |
whisper | Send a private message to another player | !w <String playername> |
no | Cancel your casted vote | !no |
yes | Submit a yes vote | !yes |
Command | Description | Usage | Example |
entities stop | Stops an entity from moving | !entities stop <String entityName> | !entities stop "That Ship" |
entities delete | Delete an entity | !entities delete <String entityName> | !entities delete "That Ship" |
entities kill | Kill a player | !entities kill <String name> | !entities kill "John Doe" |
entities find | Find entities with the given text in their name | !entities find <String name> | !entities find miner |
entities poweroff | Power off entities with the given text in their name | !entities poweroff <String name> | !entities power off miner |
entities poweron | Power on entities with the given text in their name | !entities poweron <String name> | !entities power on miner |
entities eject | Ejects a specific player from any block they are seated in, or all players in the server if run with 'all' | !entities eject <String player> | !entities eject "John Doe" |
grids setowner | Sets owner of specified grid | !grids setowner <String gridName> <String playerName> | !grid setowner "That Ship" "John Doe" |
grids static large | Makes all large grids static | !grids static large | !grids static large |
grids stopall | Stops all moving grids | !grids stopall | !grids stopall |
grids export | Export the given grid to the given file name in the form of a raw grid object builder | !grids export <String gridName> <String exportName> | !grids export "Miner" "Little Miner Mk1" |
grids import | Import a grid from file and spawn it by the given entity/player | !grids import <String gridName> [String targetName] | !grids export "Little Miner Mk 1" "John Doe" |
say | Say a message as the server | !say <String message> | !say "Don't let Cyberhounds get you Cyberdown!" |
teleport | Teleport one entity to another | !tp <String entityToMove> <String destination> | !tp "John Doe" "That Ship" |
teleport to | Teleport directly to an another entity | !tpto <String destination> | !tpto "That Ship" |
kick | Kick a player from the game | !kick <String playerName> | !kick "John Doe" or !kick 1234567891011 |
ban | Ban a player from the game | !ban <String nameOrSteamId> | !ban "John Doe" or !ban 1234567891011 |
unban | Unban a player from the game | !unban <String nameOrSteamId> | !unban "John Doe" or !unban 1234567891011 |
vote debug | Prints out info from the voting module | !vote debug | !vote debug |
vote reset | Resets the voting module data including cooldowns | !vote reset | !vote reset |
admin stats | Get performance statistics of the server | !admin stats | !admin stats |
admin playercount | Gets or sets the max number of players on the server | !admin playercount [Int32 count] | !admin playercount [Int32 count] |
admin playerlist | Lists current players on the server | !admin playerlist | !admin playerlist |
admin runauto | Runs the auto command with the given name immediately | !admin runauto <String name> | !admin runauto rulemessages |
admin set toolbar | Makes your current toolbar the new default toolbar for new players | !admin set toolbar | !admin set toolbar |
admin setrank | Set the promote level of a player. Ranks are: None, Scripter, Moderator, Space Master, Admin | !admin setrank <String playerNameOrId> <String rank> | !admin setrank "John Doe" Admin |
admin reserve | Add a player to the reserved slots list | !admin reserve <String playerNameOrId> | !admin reserve "John Doe" |
admin unreserve | Remove a player from the reserved slots list | !admin unreserve <String playerNameOrId> | !admin unreserve "John Doe" |
admin mute | Mutes a user in global chat for the given number of minutes | !admin mute <String user> [Int32 timeout] | !admin mute "John Doe" 200 |
admin unmute | Removes a chat mute from a user, if they have been muted | !admin unmute <String user> | !admin unmute "John Doe" 200 |
admin list mute | Lists all muted users, an their timeout, if applciable | !admin list mute | !admin list mute |
admin give | Insert an item with a specific quanity into a players inventory | !admin give <String Playername> <String type> <String subtype> <Int32 count> | !admin give "John Doe" PhysicalGunObject AngleGrinder4Item 1 |
blocks on type | Turn on all blocks of the given type | !blocks on type <String type> | !blocks on type Refinery |
blocks off type | Turn off all blocks of the given type | !blocks off type <String type> | !blocks off type Refinery |
blocks remove type | Remove all blocks of the given type | !blocks remove type <String type> | !blocks remove type Refinery |
blocks on subtype | Turn on all blocks of the given subtype | !blocks on subtype <String subtype> | !blocks on subtype <String subtype> |
blocks off subtype | Turn off all blocks of the given subtype | !blocks off subtype <String subtype> | !blocks off subtype BasicRefinery |
blocks remove subtype | Remove all blocks of the given subtype | !blocks remove subtype <String subtype> | !blocks remove subtype BasicRefinery |
blocks on general | Turn on all blocks of the specified category | !blocks on general <String category> | !blocks on general "Block Weapons" |
blocks off general | Turn on all blocks of the specified category | !blocks off general <String category> | !blocks off general "Block Weapons" |
cleanup scan | Find grids matching the given conditions | !cleanup scan | !cleanup scan hastype Beacon |
cleanup list | Lists grids matching the given conditions | !cleanup list | !cleanup list hastype Beacon |
cleanup delete | Delete grids matching the given conditions | !cleanup delete | !cleanup delete name "NPC" |
cleanup delete floatingobjects | Deletes floating objects | !cleanup delete floatingobjects | !cleanup delete floatingobjects |
cleanup help | Lists all cleanup conditions | !cleanup help | !cleanup help |
voxels reset all | Resets all voxel maps | !voxels reset all [Boolean deleteStorage] | !voxels reset all true |
voxels reset planets | Resets all planets | !voxels reset planets | !voxels reset planets |
voxels reset planet | Resets the planet with a given name | !voxels reset planet <String planetName> | !voxels reset planet EarthLike429013 |
voxels cleanup asteroids | Resets all asteroids that don't have a grid or player nearby | !voxels cleanup asteroids [Boolean deleteStorage] | !voxels cleanup asteroids true |
voxels cleanup distant | Resets all asteroids that don't have a grid or player inside the specified radius | !voxels cleanup distant [Double distance] [Boolean deleteStorage] | !voxels cleanup distant 500 true |
faction clean | Removes factions with fewer than the given number of players | !faction clean [Int32 memberCount] | !faction clean 1 |
faction remove | Removes faction by tag name | !faction remove <String tag> | !faction remove NPD |
faction info | Lists members of all factions | !faction info | !faction info |
pr createrank | Create new rank object with default data | !pr createrank <string rankName> | !pr createrank "Moderator" |
pr delrank | Delete existing rank object | !pr delrank <string rankName> | !pr delrank "Moderator" |
pr setrank | Set a players rank level | !pr setrank <string playerName, string rankName> | !pr setrank "Bishbash777" "Moderator" |
pr addinheritance | Make a rank inherit other custom ranks permissions | !pr addinheritance <string rankName, string inheritanceName> | !pr addinheritance "Admin" "Moderator" |
pr delinheritance | Remove inherited custom rank from main rank | !pr delinheritance <string rankName, string inheritanceName> | !pr delinheritance "Admin" "Moderator" |
pr renamerank | Rename existing rank | !pr renamerank <string oldName, string newName> | !pr renamerank "Moderator" "Helper" |
pr reservedslot | States if any player who has the given rank will have | !pr reservedslot <string rankName, string bool_string | !pr reservedslot "Donator" true |
pr setdefaultrank | Sets default rank for all new players | !pr setdefaultrank <string rankName> | !pr setdefaultrank "Player" |
pr addperm | Allows access to specified command for named rank (Adds !restart to explicity allowed commands... adding a '-' infront of restart will remove it from the explicitly allowed list) - see example | !pr addperm <string rankName, string command> | !pr addperm "Moderator" "restart" / !pr addperm "Moderator" "-restart" |
pr delperm | Revokes accesss to specified command for named rank (Adds !restart to explicity blocked commands... adding a '-' infront of restart will remove it from the explicitly blocked list) - see example | !pr delperm <string rankName, string command> | !pr delperm "Moderator" "stop" / !pr addperm "Moderator" "-stop" |
pr addplayerperm | Allows access to specified command for named player (Adds !restart to explicity allowed commands... adding a '-' infront of restart will remove it from the explicitly allowed list) - see example | !pr addplayerperm <string playernameName, string command> | !pr addplayerperm "Bishbash777" "eco give" / !pr addperm "Bishbash777" "-eco give" |
pr delplayerperm | Revokes accesss to specified command for named player (Adds !restart to explicity blocked commands... adding a '-' infront of restart will remove it from the explicitly blocked list) - see example | !pr delplayerperm <string playernameName, string command> | !pr delplayerperm "Bishbash777" "eco give" / !pr delplayerperm "Bishbash777" "-eco give" |
pr listranks | List all valid and loaded ranks | !pr listranks | !pr listranks |
The commands below can be used to solve certain problems, but if used incorrectly, or wrongly, can also cause severe issues with your world. So use with caution, and or ask for advice on discord first.
Command | Description | Usage | Example |
identity clean | Remove identities that have not logged on in X days | !identity clean <Int32 days> | !identity clean 15 |
identity purge | Remove identities AND the grids they own if they have not logged on in X days | !identity purge <Int32 days> | !identity purge 15 |
sandbox clean | Cleans up junk data from the sandbox file, includes identity purge. | !sandbox clean | !sandbox clean |
Identity purge, removes the player identity from your save, and eliminates the grids etc. they own alongside it. However it does not cleanup blocks that specific player is author (PCU) on. This means you will have blocks without author in your world.
Paired with sandbox clean, which tends to reset the identity ID counter, this can cause Identity-IDs that once existed to be generated again. Therefore allowing players to inherit the still existing blocks of a previous long deleted player.
Generally, the "performance gain" of cleanup up identities is neglectable.